Plastic Waste in the Corporate World

Just checking in to see what your company is doing about plastic waste?

While on recent travels to Vietnam, it was great to see innovative and meaningful changes to in room hotel water and waste.  In the places we stayed, the drinking water in the rooms was from glass bottles and I was impressed to learn the water goes through 7 different processes of distillation and filtration to ensure the purity and health of the end result.. with no plastics!  

It got me thinking about what corporations are doing?

In 2021, it was reported by international news outlets the top 20 global companies are responsible for creating more than half of the worlds single use plastics. 

Most of these companies are petrochemicals as they supply the polymers for plastic production which then produce the massive amounts of CO2 at the detriment of our environment.

Further, the global greenhouse emissions produced by the production of plastics equates to the entire greenhouse emissions produced by the United Kingdom in 2021.

This is disturbing and the term, ‘more money than sense’ comes to mind as these companies slowly contribute to a deteriorating future for future generations.

With so much profit at stake, we unfortunately can’t change the supply, although we can change the demand.

As a previous owner of a Natural and Organic skincare brand, I realised we had a massive barrier to growth.  The more we grew, the more plastic waste we generated.  The obvious alternatives such as bio plastics, ocean plastics and recycled plastics just didn’t cut it, It’s still plastic and the polymers still end up in our oceans and our bodies as micro plastics impacting our fertility and our whole eco system.

To stay true to our ethos of health and sustainability we had to step back and take a breath.  I pulled that company back to its bones and now re-launching and re-branding our products to a new plastic free brand with a unique hand wash offering.

We’re working with leading Industrial Designers on an aluminium dispensing system to dispense powder into your hand as a cleanser.   Powder can easily be refilled and sold in paper pouches, no plastic re-fill pouches. This is a first and it’s a beautiful product to use and the good news, the more we grow, the less carbon in our atmosphere.

I’m super proud to share that our new product will not only be plastic free, yet also free from hormone disrupting preservatives, plus it’s beautiful to use, cleansing and calming. A win for us all, for our skin, our bodies and our planet! 

We’re still tweaking the packaging as want to make sure it’s completely functional.

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Liz Johnston


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