Your Body Will Love Plastic Free Body and Skincare

We are in the age of well-being where there is a daily supplement for every organ, illness or injury, yet we have failed to focus enough attention on our biggest organ, our skin. Essentially a sponge, we absorb everything we put on our skin without realising the possible harm we could be causing ourselves. We wouldn’t knowingly digest harmful chemicals for fear we would damage our bodies, similarly, we need to take care of what we put on our skin.

At OURLYFE, we are focused on steering clear of nasty chemicals and using toxic-free, paraben and phthalate-free, natural ingredients and packaging that doesn’t harm our skin or disrupt hormonal regulation.

Our hormone system is one of the most delicate of our body. Hormones fluctuate in very small amounts at certain times regulating our reproduction, immunity, metabolism and even our behaviour which is why it’s so alarming to find hormone disruptive chemicals infiltrating many of our household products including packaging, detergents, cosmetics and pesticides. 

This silent issue of hormone-disrupting chemicals has been thoroughly researched by Dr Shanna Swan, professor of environmental medicine at Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, New York. Dr Swann explains how chemicals and plastics are having detrimental impact on our fertility. “Phthalates, used to make plastic and found in our skin and everyday personal care products, soft and flexible, are of paramount concern, they lower testosterone shown to decrease libido and increase the risk of early puberty, premature ovarian failure, miscarriage and premature birth.”  This might sound far-fetched and difficult to grasp, yet it’s information every one of us should be aware of which is why at OURLYFE, our products and packaging are phthalate, paraben-free, sustainable and safe.

Dr Swann further discusses how common plastics are found in our everyday skincare, most prominently, microplastics that are used in exfoliating products. Due to the porous nature of our skin, these microplastics are breaking down our natural barrier against infection and burrowing their way into our bodies. Though alarming, these experiences are entirely avoidable and unnecessary when care is taken in formulating skincare and packaging.

We’re out on a limb to create something different, although I feel there is no other option for our future and future generations.

So thank you so much for being here, on our website while we share our thoughts.

If you want to find out more, you can subscribe, join our testing group, or even pre-order our Hand Wash, launching early 2024!

Liz Johnston

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