We're excited to be going Plastic Free in our Wellness business

Maybe it’s my algorithm, however every day there seems to be more articles in the news on the harmful microplastics.

We know to reduce, reuse, and what about refuse?

At Ourlyfe, we've spent a few years innovating our world first, plastic free powder hand wash so I know how hard it is to move beyond plastics.  Plastics are cheap, easy to design, light to send and we’re even told a more sustainable alternative to non-plastic options such as glass and aluminium.

However, regardless of the benefits, I'm excited to farewell plastics.  I’m done with the health impact to our body and our eco system, the shocking plastic waste inflicted upon developing countries as rich countries dispose of their rubbish, the harm done to our fertility and whole biome, the itchy feeling of plastics on our skin, that plastic smell and the thought of how we’re going to dispose of the billions of units of plastic the skincare industry creates every year that doesn’t decompose and is rarely recycled.

It’s true,  plastics are a clever material, however not only are microplastics found in every tissue in our body, they seem to be stuck in our brains, like a virus. We can't escape! 

Science is onto the problems of microplastics, as published by the Guardian, “Plastic Pollution is Changing entire Earth System, scientists find.

The media are onto it as published by The New York Times

A growing body of literature suggests that at least some additives and chemicals found in and alongside plastics can harm our health, Dr. Walker said. This includes chemicals like bisphenol A, or BPA, which has been linked to increased blood pressure and type 2 diabetes; per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, which may affect fertility; and phthalates, which may interfere with hormones.

At Ourlyfe, we don’t want to be alarmists, just realists.

With so many beautiful, functional and cost-effective plastic free skincare options that are good for you on the inside and out, its time, to call time on plastics.

Join us, as we develop our plastic free skincare innovations including our powder hand wash. We’ve innovated beyond your imagination, it’s a bit of fun, a bit of magic from the Earth for the Earth, however functional and beautiful.  We’re so excited to share it with you soon.. now 2025!  

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